Oct. 17 2024
As international mail documentation requirements have increased, international postal package volumes have declined. The USPS and the Global Postal Network — the designated postal operator o... View More
Sept. 25 2024
An addresses format is defined by where the elements—building number, street name, city, postal code, etc.—are placed within the address block. Each country defines their own address forma
April 19 2024
At recent meetings of the Universal Postal Union (UPU), there has been discussion of the Global Postal Network. What this means at the UPU may not be the same as it might seem to a group of internatio
Feb. 23 2024
A controversy between the member countries of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) and the 27 EU countries plus Norway and Switzerland raises questions about whether a country can impose controls... View More
Jan. 4 2024
With the Universal Postal Union (UPU) recently holding its 4th Extraordinary Congress the first week of October, the third such Congress in the last five years, assessing the overall worldwide... View More
Oct. 24 2023
The EU The next — and final — deadline for the EU’s Advance Electronic Data (AED) requirements in ICS2 Release 2 is October, when postal operators sending packages to the EU will... View More
Aug. 14 2023
Two reports highlight the importance of this title question for the USPS and the global postal delivery network: The Universal Postal Union (UPU), in its October, 2022, presentation... View More
May 22 2023
The postal sector worldwide suffered during the COVID pandemic—closures, lack of staff, very limited international flights—while the number of packages in the mail increased. All of them... View More
April 12 2023
Royal Mail, the UK’s designated postal operator, announced a cyber incident January 11, halting all outbound international mail. It took a few days before the extent and cause of the attack... View More
April 13 2020
The US will stay in the Universal Postal Union (UPU), a decision that likely caused mailers everywhere to breathe a sigh of relief at the avoidance of a major disruption in the USPS’ international... View More
July 15 2019
After months of silence on questions related to the potential US withdrawal from the Universal Postal Union (UPU), the USPS finally provided some information at the MTAC Membership Assembly on... View More
April 8 2019
Last year was a rather unwelcome roller coaster for mailers to the Canadian market. Canada Post saw great momentum in the first half of the year in marketing mail as well as parcels. The new ove... View More
March 28 2019
“If the US were to withdraw from the UPU, it would lose access to global processing and coding systems that make international mail possible, and it would have to negotiate bilateral postal agreements
July 24 2018
Five factors affect all mailing decisions for international mail, and each will depend on what you are mailing, the destination country, and your requirements for delivery. The specifics of what is be
mail truck
Feb. 1 2018
Canada has long been a market for US products, and the popularity of e-commerce makes the Great White North even more attractive. Mail remains essential in Canada, with its large size and scattered po
global dots
Aug. 2 2017
Identifying a location has always been useful to people — from ancient evidence of local inhabitants identifying locales by naturally occurring landmarks to the naming a major roadways and cit... View More
house puzzle
June 12 2017
Often when we work with international mailing addresses, we have such a near-focused approach to the topic that the addresses appear to be opaque and impossible to decode. As we spend more time... View More
June 15 2016
E-commerce made it a breeze for a shopper to buy something from the other side of the US, and now retailers and delivery companies are making it just as easy for shoppers to buy something on the... View More
April 29 2016
Many corporations are looking overseas for continued business growth in both consumer and business markets. Now, more than ever, customer contact data is a vital corporate asset. Inaccurate addr... View More
April 6 2016
Acquiring international customers and prospects is far more expensive than acquiring domestic prospects and customers. The cost is often double that of domestic acquisition. Servicing internatio... View More
